Step 1. Enclosed you will find voting instructions as to the method of voting. Read these carefully and then vote the ballot.
Step 2. After voting a ballot, place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve, if any. If a secrecy sleeve is not provided, refold the ballot to conceal your votes.
Step 3. If, after voting your absent voter ballot, you wish to take your marked absent voter ballot to your polling place on election day, or to an early voting site during the early voting period, to personally put your marked absent voter ballot into a tabulator to be counted, skip Steps 4 to 7 and proceed to Step 8. If you do not proceed to Step 8, and you wish to return your marked absent voter ballot to the clerk, proceed to Steps 4 to 7.
Step 4. Place the ballot or ballots in the return envelope and securely seal the return envelope.
Step 5. Sign and date the return envelope in the place designated. Your signature must appear on the return envelope or the ballot will not be counted. If you are disabled or otherwise unable to mark the ballot and required assistance in voting your absent voter ballot, have the individual who assisted you complete the section on the return envelope entitled "TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF VOTER IS ASSISTED IN VOTING BY ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL".
Step 6. Deliver the return envelope by 1 of the following methods:
Step 7. The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted.
Step 8. This step applies only if, after marking your absent voter ballot, you wish to take your marked absent voter ballot to your polling place on election day, or to an early voting site during the early voting period, to personally put your marked ballot into a tabulator to be counted. Bring your marked absent voter ballot that you placed in the secrecy sleeve under Step 2 to your polling place on election day, or to an early voting site during the early voting period, and indicate to the election inspectors that you are there to put your marked absent voter ballot into the tabulator to be counted. Before tabulating your ballot, you will be required to provide identification for election purposes to the election inspectors, or sign an affidavit that you do not have identification for election purposes, and complete the ballot application.
All of the following actions are violations of the Michigan election law and are illegal in this state:
"For an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter, the absent voter ballot return envelope containing a marked absent voter ballot must be postmarked on or before election day and must reach the clerk or authorized assistant of the clerk within 6 days after the election. If the absent voter ballot return envelope containing an absent voter ballot for an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter is received by mail by the clerk or authorized assistant of the clerk more than 6 days after the election or is postmarked after election day, the absent voter ballot will not be counted."
MCL 168.764a