Mich. Comp. Laws § 16.191

Current through Public Act 166 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 16.191 - Investment functions transferred; powers and duties of state treasurer; reports; creation and composition of investment advisory committee; appointment, terms, and compensation of members; meetings; powers and duties of committee; investment consultants

The investment functions of the boards named in section 106(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f) are transferred to the department of treasury. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other act, the state treasurer shall invest, reinvest, assign, reassign, sell, transfer, and manage the investment funds and portfolios of the respective retirement systems, may solicit proxies in connection with contests for corporate control of corporations in which the treasurer has made an investment, and may use nominees to facilitate transfers. The state treasurer or his or her designee may execute all necessary instruments to effectuate those purposes. The state treasurer shall promptly report all investment transactions to the department of management and budget and to the respective retirement boards, and to the attorney general, not less than once every 3 months. There is created an investment advisory committee composed of the director of commerce, the director of the department of management and budget, or their duly authorized representatives, and 3 public members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The term of office for all public members shall be 3 years or until the member's successor has been appointed and has qualified. The public members shall serve without pay, but shall be paid actual and necessary travel and other expenses in accordance with the provisions of the standard travel regulations issued by the department of management and budget. The investment advisory committee shall meet at least once each quarter. The investment advisory committee shall review investments, goals, and objectives of each of the retirement funds, and may submit recommendations. The investment advisory committee may also, by a majority vote, direct the state treasurer to dispose of any holding which in the committee's judgment is not suitable for the fund involved, and may by unanimous vote direct the state treasurer to make specific investments. Investment consultants may be engaged by the state treasurer to advise with respect to investments to the extent that funds for those expenditures are made available by the legislature. A report shall be made annually to the appropriating committees of the senate and house of representatives listing the consultants engaged and the compensation paid to each.

MCL 16.191

Add. 1968, Act 45, Imd. Eff. 5/23/1968 ;--Am. 1969, Act 232, Imd. Eff. 8/11/1969 ;--Am. 1983, Act 225, Imd. Eff. 11/28/1983 ;--Am. 1988, Act 42, Eff. 3/30/1989 .