- Section 128.151 - Township board of trustees; providing new burying ground or enlarging limits of existing burying ground; providing suitable approaches or enlarging limits of existing approach; inability to agree; application for jury; determining just compensation and necessity for using real estate
- Section 128.152 - Summons or venire facias commanding county sheriff or constable to summon freeholders to appear as jury; application and issuance; ascertaining just compensation and necessity for using real estate; notice to owner or occupant; service
- Section 128.153 - Notice to township board of trustees; publication; service of notice on owner
- Section 128.154 - Judge; duties; jury summons, return, contents; empaneling
- Section 128.155 - Jury sworn by judge; subpoenas for witnesses; visiting and examining premises; jurors' certificate; signatures and indorsement; judge's certificate
- Section 128.156 - Judgment; collection
- Section 128.157 - Incompetent or unknown owner; county treasurer, duties; funds subject to court order
- Section 128.158 - Vesting of fee; conditions; writ of possession
- Section 128.159 - Possession by township; writ of possession
- Section 128.160 - Jury disagreement; adjournment, limit
- Section 128.161 - Parties to suit; proof of claims; settlement
- Section 128.162 - Payment order; issuance, receipt; evidence
- Section 128.163 - Subsequent proceedings
- Section 128.164 - Fees; compensation