Section 3280-A - Biennial renewal of licenses; qualification; fees; reinstatement after lapse1.Renewal of licenses. A physician licensed pursuant to section 3271 or 3275 shall apply to the board for relicensure using application forms and submitting supporting documents required by the board. Except as provided in paragraph A for initial proration of expiration dates, the board shall provide to every physician whose application is approved and accepted a proof of license renewal that is valid for no longer than 2 years.A. Beginning with licenses expiring after July 1, 1994, regardless of the date of initial licensure or last license renewal, the license of every physician born in an odd-numbered year expires at midnight in 1995 on the last day of the month of the physician's birth. The license of every physician born in an even-numbered year expires at midnight in 1996 on the last day of the month of the physician's birth. Upon expiration, a physician must renew the license issued pursuant to this section and this license must be renewed every 2 years by the last day of the month of birth of the physician seeking license renewal by means of application to the board, on forms prescribed and supplied by the board. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]B. At least 60 days prior to expiration of a current license, the board shall notify each licensee of the requirement to renew the license. If an administratively complete license renewal application, as determined pursuant to subsection 3, paragraph B, has not been submitted prior to the expiration date of the existing license, the license immediately and automatically expires. A license may be reinstated within 90 days after the date of expiration upon payment of the renewal fee and late fee. If an administratively complete renewal application is not submitted within 90 days of the date of the expiration of the license, the license immediately and automatically lapses. The board may reinstate a license that has lapsed pursuant to subsection 4. [2017, c. 63, §1 (AMD).] [2017, c. 63, §1 (AMD).]
2.Criteria for license renewal. Prior to renewing a license:A. The board may pose any question to the licensee or other sources that the board determines appropriate related to qualification for relicensure. These matters may include, but are not limited to, confirmation of health status, professional standing and conduct, professional liability claims history and license status in other jurisdictions. The board shall, after affording the licensee due process, deny license renewal if the board finds cause that may be considered grounds for refusal to renew the license pursuant to section 3282-A, including, but not limited to, a determination that an outstanding financial obligation to the board exists; and [2003, c. 601, §9 (AMD).]B. Every licensee seeking renewal of a license with the intent of conducting active medical practice in this State shall submit evidence, satisfactory to the board, of successful completion of a course of continuing medical education within the preceding 24 months, as prescribed by rule. A physician licensed pursuant to section 3271 or 3275 may not engage in the practice of medicine in this State in any degree, including advising or prescribing medication for self, friends or family with or without charge, unless the board has found the licensee qualified by continuing medical education and has marked the current license with the designation "active." [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).] [2003, c. 601, §9 (AMD).]
3.Fees. The following fees apply to licensure.A. The board may charge a license renewal application fee of not more than $500 to all applicants for license renewal. [2005, c. 162, §7 (AMD).]B. In addition to the application processing fee, the board may require payment of a late application fee of not more than $100 from all licensees, regardless of age, from whom the board has not received an administratively complete license renewal application prior to the license expiration date. An application is not administratively complete if it is not signed and dated by the licensee or does not provide full information and responses of sufficient detail to permit board review, evaluation and decision on renewal qualification. An application received without the required license renewal application fee is considered incomplete and the applicant is subject to a late fee. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]C. The board may prorate the fee for biennial relicensure for physicians who have been initially licensed within the past 12 months. The manner of proration, if done, must be explained in the board's published schedule of fees. The board may waive all or a portion of the established license renewal application fee upon receipt of a request for waiver based on hardship or other special circumstance. Any waiver request granted and the basis for the waiver must be recorded in the minutes of the board's proceedings. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]D. Unless received and deposited to the board's account in error and in violation of this section or the board's rules, a license renewal application fee or late fee paid to the board is not refundable if the board or the board's staff has commenced processing the application, regardless of the board's action on the application. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).] [2005, c. 162, §7 (AMD).]
4.Reinstatement after lapse. A physician may be reinstated after the lapse of a license under the following conditions.A. A license that has lapsed pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph B may be reinstated upon application by the physician on forms provided by the board. A physician whose license has lapsed for more than 5 years shall apply for a new license in order to practice medicine in the State. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]B. When applying for reinstatement, the licensee must state the reason why the license lapsed and pay all fees in arrears at the time of lapse plus the current license renewal application fee and a nonrefundable reinstatement application processing fee of $100. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]C. The board may not reinstate a lapsed license if the board finds any cause that may be considered a ground for discipline pursuant to section 3282-A if the license had been in force. Prior to concluding that no cause exists, the board shall conduct the inquiries required by subsection 2, paragraph A for applications for renewal. In addition, the board may not reinstate the license of any physician who has not provided evidence satisfactory to the board of having actively engaged in the practice of medicine continuously for at least the past 12 months under the license of another jurisdiction of the United States or Canada unless the applicant has first satisfied the board of the applicant's current competency by passage of written examinations or practical demonstrations as the board may from time to time prescribe for this purpose through rulemaking. [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).] [1993, c. 526, §2 (NEW); 1993, c. 526, §4 (AFF).]
Amended by 2017, c. 63,§ 1, eff. 11/1/2017.1993, c. 526, § 2 (NEW) . 1993, c. 526, § 4 (AFF) . 1997, c. 680, §C3 (AMD) . 1999, c. 685, § 11 (AMD) . 2003, c. 601, § 9 (AMD) . 2005, c. 162, § 7 (AMD) .