- Section 1411 - Short title
- Section 1411-A - Definitions
- Section 1411-B - Rehabilitation services unit created
- Section 1411-C - Authority
- Section 1411-D - Powers and duties of department
- Section 1411-E - Acceptance of federal provisions
- Section 1411-F - Receipt and disbursement of funds
- Section 1411-G - Gifts
- Section 1411-H - Maintenance not assignable
- Section 1411-I - Hearings and judicial review
- Section 1412 - Misuse of lists and records
- Section 1412-A - Employees not to engage in political activities
- Section 1412-B - Reporting and evaluation of rehabilitation needs
- Section 1412-C - Bureau of Rehabilitation Services; Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Section 1412-D - Provision of rehabilitation services
- Section 1412-E - Rules
- Section 1412-F - Adoption of a grievance procedure concerning discrimination on the basis of disability
- Section 1412-G - Program of consumer-directed personal care assistance services (REPEALED)
- Section 1412-H - Program of state-funded consumer-directed personal care assistance services (REPEALED)
- Section 1412-I - Strategic planning report