- Section 1149 - Purpose; short title
- Section 1150 - Definitions
- Section 1151 - Relinquishment of infants; defense to prosecution
- Section 1152 - Designated emergency care facility, emergency medical service provider, firefighter, and law enforcement officer responsibilities; newborn safety devices authorized
- Section 1153 - Medical evaluation of the infant
- Section 1154 - Safe haven continued custody hearing; instanter order
- Section 1155 - Non-relinquishing parent; procedures
- Section 1156 - Reclaiming parental rights; time limitations; paternity testing; home study
- Section 1157 - Reclaiming of parental rights by the relinquishing parent; hearing
- Section 1158 - Order declaring parental rights terminated; time limitations; finality
- Section 1159 - Permanency planning; case plan; review hearings
- Section 1160 - Additional regulations; Administrative Procedure Act; reporting
- Section 1161 - Official Safe Haven symbol