P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 141e
The Committee may execute agreements or contracts with persons or public or private entities to conduct such works and studies addressed to achieve the purposes of this chapter. Specifically, the Committee may request the cooperation and advice of the Puerto Rican Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, the Department of Justice, the Schools of Law and their respective juridical institutes and any other institution. The departments, agencies and public corporations of the Government of Puerto Rico shall provide the Committee with all the necessary information that is required to perform the task entrusted to it.
The Executive Director is hereby authorized, after being authorized by the Co-Chairpersons, to accept and receive donations or any other type of help, in money, goods or services, from persons or private or government entities, and to administer them pursuant to its terms and the applicable legislation. The donations and other assistance shall be exclusively used to comply with and achieve the purposes of this chapter. In addition, he/she may collect the corresponding royalties for publications, documents or studies owned by the Committee.
History —Aug. 16, 1997, No. 85, § 6; Sept. 2, 2000, No. 327, § 6.