P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 1005
(a) Primary jurisdiction.— Within the territorial limits of the Capitol District, the Capitol Police shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction over any incident that takes place within the Capitol District, except for those situations of public security in which the Puerto Rico Police should intervene as determined by the Superintendent. In addition, the Capitol Police shall have primary jurisdiction over all official proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, including serving summonses, call notices, and reminders; and the promotion of security and order in the facilities of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico, subject to the aforesaid.
(b) Concurrent jurisdiction.—
(1) Puerto Rico Police.— Except for the matters provided in subsection (a) of this section and the provisions of § 1003(e) of this title, within the limits of the Capitol District, the Capitol Police and the Puerto Rico State Police shall have concurrent jurisdiction in all matters entrusted to the Capitol Police under this chapter.
(2) Sergeants-at-Arms.— Except for the matters provided in subsection (a) of this section, within the limits of the Capitol District, the Capitol Police and the Sergeants-at-Arms of the Legislative Assembly shall have concurrent jurisdiction in making arrests authorized or directed by the Presiding Officers of the Legislative Houses, in accordance with the rules of both legislative bodies, and over the security within each House chamber.
(3) Office of the Superintendent of the Capitol.— Except for the matters provided in subsection (a) of this section, within the limits of the Capitol District, the Capitol Police and the Office of the Superintendent of the Capitol shall have concurrent jurisdiction in enforcing the provisions regarding access to and behavior in the buildings, halls of sessions, galleries, and hallways of the Legislative Houses and their offices.
(c) Jurisdictional limits.— The duty of conducting specialized investigations shall be the exclusive competence of the State Police Units, the Department of Justice, and other agencies, and the federal government. Provided, That under no circumstances, the Capitol Police shall create units of undercover agents to carry out the duties and obligations imposed thereon under this chapter. The powers and authorities granted to the Capitol Police shall not curtail the powers and obligations of the Puerto Rico Police; therefore, in the event of conflicts of jurisdiction or competence, the State Police shall always prevail.
History —Mar. 30, 2011, No. 42, § 6.