Chapter 258. Puerto Rico Integrated Transit Authority
- § 11161. Definitions
- § 11162. Creation
- § 11163. Exercise of the authorities, powers, and duties of the Authority; Board of Directors
- § 11164. Powers of the Authority
- § 11165. Funds and accounts
- § 11166. Acquisition of property by the Commonwealth for the Authority
- § 11167. Construction, operations, maintenance and procurement contracts
- § 11168. Transfer of funds and property
- § 11169. Bonds
- § 11170. Remedies of bondholders
- § 11171. Bonds shall constitute lawful investments for trustees and guarantees for deposits
- § 11172. Tax exemption
- § 11173. Declaration of public utility
- § 11174. Injunctions
- § 11175. Reports
- § 11176. Transfers and transitory measures
- § 11177. Funds
- § 11178. Officials and employees
- § 11179. Inconsistent provisions
- § 11180. Regulations, administrative orders, circular letters, and memoranda
- § 11181. Conflicts