P.R. Laws tit. 23, § 593

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 593. Creation

The Puerto Rico Motion Picture Arts, Sciences and Industry Development Corporation is hereby created. Said corporation shall have perpetual existence, independent juridical standing, and shall be attached to the Department of Economic Development and Commerce. It shall likewise have the capability of suing and being sued. It is hereby established that the resources and facilities to be administered by said corporation shall be used for the purposes established herein and not for private purposes, nor shall it be primarily intended for politico-partisan, or sectarian propaganda. The establishment of the Puerto Rico Motion Picture Arts, Sciences and Industry Development Corporation shall not be deemed in any way as an institutionalized form of censorship or bias against any particular trend within said form of art.

History —Aug. 17, 2001, No. 121, § 2.01.