Chapter 24. Land Administration
- § 311. Short title
- § 311a. Definitions
- § 311b. Creation; governing board, composition, term, compensation
- § 311c. Executive Director
- § 311d. Secretary
- § 311e. Debts, contracts, finances, printed matter and property
- § 311f. Duties and powers
- § 311g. Subdivision of lands
- § 311h. Deposit and disbursement of funds
- § 311i. Examination of accounts and books by Comptroller; report
- § 311j. Conveyance of property and land
- § 311k. Property—Purchase and condemnation
- § 311l. Property—Declaration of public utility
- § 311m. Property—Procedure for acquisition, disposal
- § 311n. Exemption from fees, taxes, registration
- § 311o. Bonds
- § 311p. Government Development Bank, applicability of provisions
- § 311q. Prevalence
- § 311r. Injunctions
- § 311s. Report to Legislature