The regulations approved by the Fire Chief by virtue of this chapter, except those needed for administrative and internal functions, shall comply with the requirements of Act No. 112 of June 30, 1957, as amended, known as the “Rules and Regulations Act of 1958”.
Before adopting or amending the regulations authorized by subsections (o) and (p) of § 331c of this title, the Fire Chief shall hold public hearings to discuss the special provisions they contain. The public hearings shall be held after notifying the public by means of a notice in two (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, stating the date, place and nature of the hearing. This notification shall be made fifteen (15) days before the hearing is held. Technical conferences on the need, scope and other outstanding features of the regulatory provisions, in which the general public may participate, shall be held along with the required public hearings.
The fire safety regulations adopted by the Fire Chief must be in harmony with the norms established by other regulatory agencies such as the Permit Management Office, the Department of Labor and Human Resources and the Public Service Commission, which have established fire protection requirements for buildings and vehicles used for commercial transportation of flammable liquids, respectively.
The Fire Chief shall adopt those regulations that are needed for the personnel administration of the Firefighters Corps. These regulations must be in harmony with the norms established by the Central Office of Personnel Administration in order to maintain uniformity in the Public Service system of Puerto Rico. Provided, That until such regulations are adopted, the Firefighters Corps shall be governed by the Personnel Regulations applicable to those areas that are essential to the merit principle and those non-essential areas for career and confidential employees of the central administration. The security regulations in effect on the date of this act shall continue to be in force until the new regulations are adopted.
History —June 21, 1988, No. 43, p. 163, § 9, renumbered as § 10 on Aug. 12, 1995, No. 199, § 3.