P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2676
The Association shall be empowered, as specified in its bylaws, to investigate any action in the practice of the profession of any of its members that may implicate a violation of the principles of ethics and the laws by which it is governed upon request of a party through the presentation of a written claim under oath. After the interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard, if it finds well-founded grounds for possible unethical or unlawful conduct, it shall file the corresponding complaint before the Board of Examiners. The herein provided shall not be construed as a modification or limitation of the power of the Board to initiate an investigation on its own initiative or a disciplinary proceeding, when it so deems appropriate pursuant to § 2658 of this title.
History —Aug. 16, 2006, No. 160, § 6.