P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2634
Every licensed draftsman may request inactivation of his/her license when he/she retires from the active practice of his/her profession or leaves Puerto Rico for more than five (5) years. The license inactivation request shall be made by filing a sworn statement before the Board of Examiners, in which he/she shall consign the cause upon which his/her request is based.
Such inactivation shall be notified to the College of Draftsmen not later than thirty (30) days after the date of effectiveness thereof for the corresponding action to be taken. It shall be illegal and constitute sufficient cause for cancellation of the license for a draftsman to practice the profession for more than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of the reactivation of said license.
The license of those professionals whose license has been inactivated or suspended, or who have been expelled from the College, by virtue of the causes and through the established procedures, shall be suspended upon certification of such facts, by the authorized College officer before the Board. If after the inactivation, suspension or cancellation of the license has been ordered, the College certifies the rehabilitation of the draftsman pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and the bylaws of the College, the Board shall reactivate the license immediately through the procedure of payment of dues provided in the bylaws.
If the expulsion or suspension is by reason of lack of payment of the annual dues, an official certification issued by the College of Draftsmen shall be enough to constitute sufficient evidence for the Board to take the corresponding action without the need to follow the aforementioned procedures.
In no way shall any licensed draftsman lend, transfer, rent or otherwise convey his/her license number, but if he/she does, a complaint shall be filed before the Board and he/she shall risk suspension of his/her license, pursuant to the bylaws of the Board.
History —May 21, 1976, No. 54, p. 140, § 34; Sept. 22, 2004, No. 425, § 11.