P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 2064
The Puerto Rico Property Registry is a source of millions in income for our Government. Its public notice confers guarantee and safety to users, for which reason the registry of transactions is of great importance for the economic development of our country.
In spite of its importance, this institution is presently in a chaotic state due to the backlog in processing transactions. A mechanization process has been started to facilitate transaction processing, but while the changes are implemented in a general way, it is necessary to update the conventional transactions that have been taking place until now.
The scarcity of human resources has contributed in great part to the situation described above. Registry technicians and employees perform a highly specialized work that requires knowledge, skills, dedication and great responsibility; however, their remuneration is inadequate.
Since the purpose of the Puerto Rico Government is to retain these employees in their posts and, their job being sui-generis, which does not compare to that of other employees in public service, we deem it necessary to exclude them from the provisions of the Uniform Compensation Act, and to establish a range of salaries for the employees and technicians of the Property Registry that keeps pace with the work conditions, responsibility levels and complexity in the functions they perform. Further, the Secretary of Justice or his/her successor in functions of Property Registry control, policy, administration, facilities or budget, as this is defined in § 2051 of Title 30, known as the “Wages of the Mortgage and Property Registry Act”, is hereby empowered to revise the ranges of intermediate salaries therein.
History —Sept. 2, 2000, No. 363, § 2, eff. July 1, 2001.