P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 1632b
The Executive Director of the OYA shall also have individual duties and responsibilities, as follows:
(a) The OYA shall render a detailed report to the Governor and the Legislature of Puerto Rico on the form and manner in which the appropriated budget is distributed and used for its operations, plans, projects and works being executed, as well as those to be executed in the future to harmonize its own organizational structure with the organizational structure of the Program.
(b) The OYA shall be responsible for the coordination of all matters that make viable and expedite the implementation of this chapter once it is approved.
(c) The Office of Youth Affairs shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluating the programs developed, so that it can identify deficiencies and implement immediate corrective action. The findings, conclusions and recommendations shall be discussed with the legal department, and a report shall be rendered, together with an affirmative action plan, to the Governor and the Legislature of Puerto Rico not later than thirty (30) days as of the conclusion of the study.
(d) OYA shall be responsible for conducting a process that enables the collection of statistical information and data with respect to the young students” training and educational needs and the services rendered with respect to work experience. Thus, once this chapter is implemented, Program directors may have an accurate frame of reference about the situation and needs of the young students, and develop integrated action plans together with the agencies and entities concerned.
(e) The analyses of studies, inventories of the jobs available in the public and private sector, the collaboration agreements with the public agencies and private businesses for young students to have their first work experience, and the opportunity to be retained therein shall be established through regulations drafted to such effects by OYA. The participation of the agencies, public corporations, administrations, consortia, public offices or instrumentalities, as well as for- profit and nonprofit corporations, offices, and private businesses and industries shall be voluntary rather than compulsory. The Office of Youth Affairs of the Office of the Governor shall not be required, under any circumstance, to include a young student as a participant of the Program.
History —Sept. 23, 2004, No. 464, § 4; Dec. 30, 2010, No. 231, § 3.