P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 8823
The Executive Branch Modernization Council, hereinafter “the Council”, is hereby created, to be attached to the Office of the Governor. This Council shall develop a work plan to coordinate study and evaluation efforts on the organization, operation, and processes of each agency, and shall guarantee uniformity in the modernization process of the Executive Branch. In addition, it shall make recommendations to the Governor on the changes and the adoption of measures that it may deem necessary to attain the purposes stated in § 8822 of this title.
The Council shall be composed of five (5) members, to wit: the Secretary of the Department of State who shall preside it; the Secretary of the Department of the Treasury; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; the Secretary of the Department of Labor and Human Resources; and the Chief Information Officer of the Government of Puerto Rico.
The absence, resignation, or vacancy in the office of any member of the Council shall not affect the discharge of the functions, duties, and determinations thereof. In the event of absence, resignation, or vacancy in the office of any of its members, it shall be covered by a person representing the agency or department causing such absence, resignation, or vacancy, and designated as provided in this section.
The members of the Council, or in its default, the designated representative, shall collaborate with the Chair of the Council in implementing the public policy geared toward achieving the purposes of this chapter.
The Council may request free advice from any person of the private sector or academia with experience or expertise in any of the issues under its consideration.
Three (3) members of the Council shall constitute a quorum, and the decisions thereof shall be made by a majority of its members.
History —Dec. 17, 2009, No. 182, § 4.