In those cases in which the approved plan contemplates the sale of housing units in buildings to families, the Administration may subject the building to the horizontal property regime. To such an end, the Administration shall grant the original deed for constituting each condominium, including the blueprints, appraisals, bylaws and other documents and instruments provided by §§ 1291 et seq. of Title 31, as amended, known as the “Horizontal Property Act”, or any other applicable act, as well as any other document necessary for the registration of the condominium.
In these cases, the configuration of the condominiums constituted by virtue of this chapter may vary from one public housing project to another according to the plan approved for said public housing project. The Administration shall determine whether one or more condominiums are to be constituted per project, taking into account the operational efficiency and making use of the flexibility in the creation of condominiums provided by §§ 1291 et seq. of Title 31.
History —June 20, 1996, No. 55, added as § 5 on Sept. 12, 1997, No. 120, § 6.