P.R. Laws tit. 17, § 503
(a) There is hereby created, attached to the Urban Renewal and Housing Administration, created by §§ 21—25 of this title, the Office of the Construction Officer. The Governor shall appoint the Construction Officer with the consent and approval of the Senate of Puerto Rico for a term of four (4) years, who shall remain in office until his successor is appointed and qualifies. The Governor may remove from office the Construction Officer upon previous notice and hearing, for disorderly or incorrect behavior, or negligence in the fulfillment of the functions of his employment.
(b) The Construction Officer shall draw an annual salary of sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000).
(c) The Construction Officer shall promulgate the regulations which may be necessary and proper for the carrying out of this chapter, upon the previous holding of a public hearing in which an opportunity is given to the public to express itself in relation thereto. This requirement shall not be applicable to bylaws. The date, hour and place for the holding of said hearings shall be announced in two newspapers of general circulation at least fifteen (15) days in advance. The regulations approved herein shall have force of law upon compliance with the provisions of Act No. 112 of June 30, 1957. An official seal shall also be adopted which shall be stamped on every license issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and on the official documents that it may grant.
(d) The Office of the Construction Officer shall be located in the City of San Juan, but the Construction Officer may exercise each and every one of its powers or obligations in any place in Puerto Rico.
(e) Any power, duty, faculty or function vested in or assigned to the Construction Officer in this chapter or in the regulations approved thereunder may be exercised, fulfilled or discharged by a representative thereof in behalf of the latter and through his expressed authority.
History —June 13, 1967, No. 130, p. 406, § 3.