P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 582
(a) The Eurípides Rubio Medal is hereby created.
(b) The medal, created by virtue of this section, is bestowed only upon members of operating units or Puerto Rican members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America or the Puerto Rico National Guard, be they active or veterans who have distinguished themselves while carrying out an official mission, risking their lives beyond the call of duty and who shall be selected by the Joint Committee for Granting Medals and Awards of the Legislature.
(c) The Joint Committee for Granting Medals and Awards of the Legislature shall receive nominations from the Veterans Advocate and from representatives of recognized organizations that represent active military personnel or veteran Puerto Rican members of units of the Armed Forces of the United States of America or the Puerto Rico National Guard to be decorated with the Eurípides Rubio Medal. The nominations shall be presented to the Joint Committee for Granting Medals and Awards of the Legislature through a report listing the names of the candidates to the medal and shall contain the reasons for which they deserve said recognition. The Committee shall evaluate the report presented and select the candidate or candidates that meet the standards and conditions for granting the Eurípides Rubio Medal established by the Joint Committee for Granting Medals and Awards of the Legislature. The Committee, after evaluating the nominations presented, shall prepare a report indicating the reasons why the candidates selected merit said medal.
Said Committee shall issue the standards and conditions that the units and members to be awarded the medal must follow and meet.
(d) The Eurípides Rubio Medal shall be awarded annually, provided recipients of the same exist, on Veterans Day during a ceremony organized for such a purpose by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico, who shall be in charge of bestowing the award upon the members of the units and the Armed Forces or the National Guard. Both legislative bodies shall be responsible for providing the funds, the facilities and the resources needed to carry out the awards activity.
(e) The funds needed to comply with the provisions of this section shall proceed from the joint activities item of the Legislature of Puerto Rico considered in the General Budget of Expenses of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
History —Dec. 14, 2005, No. 152, §§ 1—5.