P.R. Laws tit. 1, § 577
(a) To hereby create the Official Medal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for the National Hero to, with same, decorate Puerto Ricans and foreigners, living or deceased, who show or have shown a high degree of civism and nobility by serving in pacifist causes anywhere in the world.
(b) This award shall be granted to persons who, for their worthy acts of calm, serene, and peaceful heroism, earn the admiration and gratitude of Puerto Ricans for their efforts to achieve peace. If the person selected is deceased, the award shall be given to the closest relatives, who shall receive same on their behalf. If the person is a foreigner, and the family is not available, same shall be given to the primary executive of the corresponding country. If a Puerto Rican, and no family survives, the distinction shall be received by the President of the House himself, to be exposed along with the list whose creation is set forth by subsection (e) of this section.
(c) The award shall consist of a circular silver medal, which shall bear the logo of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(d) To consider the granting of the award, after a representative submits a resolution in this regard, the President of the House shall name a committee of legislators who shall study the merits of the resolution’s nominee. Said committee shall consist of three (3) members, since it is necessary for all three parties to be represented in said committee with representatives elected in the previous elections. Unanimous consent of the members of the committee shall be required for the granting of the medal.
(e) The House of Representatives shall maintain a registry in which all matters pertaining to the identity and feats of the awarded persons shall be kept. Said registry shall include a list that shall be kept exposed from the moment in which the first person to be awarded is determined. The President of the House of Representatives shall determine the specific location for the exposition of said list.
(f) Expenses incurred for the minting of the medal, the acts of conferring the award and others necessary to establish the registry provided for in subsection (e) of this section, shall be defrayed by the budget of the House of Representatives.
History —Mar. 27, 2003, No. 95, §§ 1—6.