Chapter 20. Transitional Process of Government
- §§ 456, 457. Repealed. Act Aug. 18, 2002, No. 197, § 24, eff. Aug. 18, 2002
- § 458. Definitions
- § 459. Inventory of agency property
- § 460. Effectiveness of the transition process
- § 461. Obligation of the Governor and heads of agencies
- § 462. Outgoing Transition Committee—Procedure to comply with the provisions of §§ 458—477 of this title
- § 463. Outgoing Transition Committee—Creation
- § 464. Outgoing Transition Committee—Composition
- § 465. Transition reports—Content and format
- § 466. Transition reports—Oath and date
- § 467. Transition process—Seat
- § 468. Transition process—Executive Director
- § 469. Sessions
- § 470. Publicity
- § 471. Confidential documents and information
- § 472. Responsibilities of the members
- § 473. Final report
- § 474. Electoral recount
- § 475. Sanctions and penalties
- § 476. Regulations
- § 477. Prohibition of appointments