P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 3006
In order to comply with the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title, the Administrator shall have the following powers and duties, among others:
(a) Determine, with the prior approval of the Secretary, the internal organization of the Office and establish those systems needed for its proper functioning and operation, as well as to carry out those administrative and managerial tasks needed to put §§ 3001—3012 of this title into effect as well as any other laws, regulations or programs under his/her responsibility.
(b) Appoint, with the approval of the Secretary, the personnel needed to carry out the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title. Said personnel shall be subject to the provisions of Act No. 5 of October 14, 1975, known as the “Puerto Rico Public Service Personnel Act”, and who shall avail themselves of the benefits of §§ 761 et seq. of Title 3, which establishes the Retirement System of the Employees of the Government of Puerto Rico and its Instrumentalities, and of the benefits of §§ 862 et seq. of Title 3, which establishes the Savings and Loan Fund of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Employees.
Likewise, he/she may contract, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, those technical and professional services he/she may deem are necessary to achieve the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title, subject to the applicable norms and regulations of the Department of the Treasury and to the approval of the Secretary.
No person having a substantial financial interest, be it direct or in a certain business or activity related to the beef industry, may hold any type of position in the Office. Officials and employees of the Office shall be subject to the provisions §§ 1801 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Government Ethics Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”.
(c) Delegate, with the approval of the Secretary, on whatever officials or employees he/she designates to such effects, the functions, duties and responsibilities conferred upon him/her by §§ 3001—3012 of this title.
(d) Acquire the supplies and equipment needed for the operation and functioning of the Office, subject to the provisions of §§ 931 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “General Services Administration Act”, with respect to the purchasing limits which require a bidding procedure.
(e) Enter into agreements and execute covenants or contracts, with the approval of the Secretary, to execute and comply with the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title. Any changes whatsoever in the norms, agreements and contracts granted and which likewise entail the additional use of public funds, must be approved by the Secretary or by his/her delegate.
(f) Offer training, motu proprio or through agreements with other public or private natural or juridical persons, to stock farmers on production and processing techniques and business practices, and to authorize the use of public funds for education and training programs in matters pertaining to beef production, importing, marketing and processing in and out of Puerto Rico, for employees, workers or professionals who work directly or will subsequently work in the beef industry, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture.
(g) Request and obtain any funds, donations and financial help whatsoever from the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or from the Government of the United States of America, including their departments, agencies and instrumentalities, as well as from private persons or entities in order to achieve the purposes established in §§ 3001—3012 of this title.
(h) Sponsor and conduct programs or projects subsidized with funds of the Government of the United States of America and supervise the investment and distribution of the funds appropriated for said programs and projects.
(i) Render, no later than the second week of the month of January of each year, to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and to the Legislature, through the Secretary, a complete and detailed report stating all Office activities, as well as its achievements, programs, aids and training sessions offered, the funds from various sources appropriated or administered by the Office during the year corresponding to said report, the disbursements effected and the surplus funds, if any.
History —Nov. 29, 1992, No. 95, § 7, eff. 60 days after Nov. 29, 1992.