P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 3001
For the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning stated below:
(1) Department.— Means the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico.
(2) Secretary.— Means the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico or his/her authorized representative.
(3) Cattle.— Means live bovine animals except unweaned calves.
(4) Male Calf (Becerro).— Means a nursing calf of up to seven (7) days from birth.
(5) Calf (Ternero).— Means an animal that at the time of slaughtering weighs less than five hundred (500) pounds.
(6) Producer.— Means any person who owns or acquires ownership of cattle. For the purposes of §§ 3001—3012 of this title, a person who reaps benefit from the sale of cattle on commission, or a person who acquires cattle to enable its transfer to a third party; or resells said cattle within a period not greater than ten (10) days from the date said person acquires the cattle, shall not be deemed to be a producer.
(7) Animal.— Refers solely to cattle.
(8) Beef.— Means the meat of cattle.
(9) Carcase.— Is the carcass of a dead animal which can be either fresh or frozen, cut into two equal sides to be consumed as meat, and whose legs from the knee joint down, its tail, hide and viscera have been removed.
(10) Meat cut and vacuum-packed.— Established cuts of meat from the various parts of the carcase, which are vacuum-packed fresh as well as frozen.
(11) Market or to market.— Means the ownership, sale or offering for sale at any level, transfer, donation, transportation, storage, processing or handling of beef in any way, which is produced in, or imported to Puerto Rico.
(12) To Import.— Means any introduction of beef into Puerto Rico from any other place, be it from the United States or from any foreign country.
(13) Importer.— Means any person who receives beef in Puerto Rico from any place abroad.
(14) Package.— Means any receptacle, box, carton, or crate used to package and protect beef while being marketed.
(15) Slaughterhouse.— Facility devoted to the slaughter of animals for human consumption which must be licensed and inspected by the federal government, and which must meet all other legal requirements.
(16) Office.— The Office for the Regulation and Promotion of the Beef Industry.
(17) Fund.— Means the Beef Industry Development Fund.
(18) Small farmer.— A person devoted to breeding beef cattle who owns seventy-five (75) head of cattle or less.
History —Nov. 29, 1992, No. 95, § 2, eff. 60 days after Nov. 29, 1992.