Subchapter XII. Receivership or Dissolution of Cooperatives
- § 4550. Causes for syndication
- § 4551. Procedure for receivership
- § 4552. Appointment of an administrative receiver
- § 4553. Returning the cooperative to its members
- § 4554. Right to a review
- § 4555. Order of dissolution
- § 4556. Voluntary dissolution
- § 4557. Involuntary dissolution
- § 4558. Board of receivers—Appointments
- § 4559. Board of receivers—Obligations
- § 4560. Board of receivers—Vacancies
- § 4561. Board of receivers—Destitution
- § 4562. Notice
- § 4563. Claim before receivers
- § 4564. Distribution of assets
- § 4565. Petition to halt the procedures for dissolution
- § 4566. Diverse petitions
- § 4567. Custody of documents
- § 4568. Judicial consignment and notification
- § 4569. Cancellation of the certificate of registration