Subchapter VIII. Directors, Officers and Committees
- § 4460. Requirements
- § 4461. Terms of office
- § 4462. Staggered election
- § 4463. List of directors and committee members
- § 4464. Reasons for the separation of directors and committee members
- § 4465. Directors; number and requirements
- § 4466. Constitution
- § 4467. Officers
- § 4468. Duties
- § 4469. Executive committee
- § 4470. Exercise of powers
- § 4471. Quorum
- § 4472. Rules of operation
- § 4473. Duties of the chairperson of the Board
- § 4474. Vacancies
- § 4475. Removal of officers
- § 4476. Dismissal of directors
- § 4477. Dismissal; procedure before the assembly
- § 4478. Supervision committee—Designation; powers
- § 4479. Supervision committee—Election
- § 4480. Supervision committee—Obligations and powers
- § 4481. Supervision committee—Dismissal
- § 4482. Education committee—Appointment and duties
- § 4483. Education committee—Vacancies
- § 4484. Chief executive—Appointment
- § 4485. Chief executive—Duties
- § 4486. Chief executive—Bond
- § 4487. Chief executive—Responsibilities