(a) The Council shall specifically designate a Technological-Occupational Education Accreditation Advisory Board to handle each licensing or accreditation request of public or private institutions that offer vocational, technical and high skills education or non-university postsecondary education pursuant to §§ 2111 et seq. of this title.
The technological-occupational non-university private educational institutions that upon the effective date of this act hold a license duly granted pursuant to §§ 2101 et seq. of this title shall continue to operate under such license until renewed, modified, suspended or revoked by the Council. Every licensing procedure that has been initiated upon the effectiveness of this act shall continue to be handled according to the provisions of law and regulations initiated.
(b) The accreditations of the programs and operating units that [comprise] the system shall be granted for periods that shall not exceed six (6) years, which may be renewed in harmony with the standards established to such effects. The Council shall establish the minimum academic requirements.
(c) Once this act takes effect, an evaluation process shall be initiated for the accreditation of all institutions and programs of the system and shall be completed in a period of five (5) years. The Council shall establish, by regulations, the period that it shall grant to the institutions that do not obtain accreditation to correct the deficiencies found. If after three evaluations, a public institution or program is not able to correct the indicated deficiencies, the Advisory Board shall submit its recommendations to the Council with regard to the cancellation of the license and, in that event, the institution shall not offer any educational course whatsoever. The Council shall establish the standards so that the offerings of those institutions can be offered by other educational institutions.
History —Dec. 18, 1991, No. 97, § 10.