In order to modernize and bolster occupational education in Puerto Rico and expedite the development thereof, the Technological-Occupational Education System of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is hereby created. Its main purpose shall be to offer a diverse and advanced technological-occupational education for the population. The system shall designate both normatively and programmatically, all the programs and services related to job education and training. The following agencies, programs or operational units shall be a part of this system:
(a) Occupational programs of the Technical, Vocational and High Skills Education Area of the Department of Education, created by §§ 501 et seq. of this title. The Technological Institutes of said Department shall be included, as well as their San Juan, Ponce, Guayama and Manati campuses.
The special general education programs and projects at the elementary and high school level attached to said area are not included.
(b) The Corps of Volunteers at the Service of Puerto Rico, created by §§ 1411 et seq. of this title.
(c) The Vocational Rehabilitation Program of the Department of the Family created by §§ 1046 et seq. of this title.
(d) The educational and training programs of the Right to Employment Administration, created under §§ 1101 et seq. of Title 29, and those delegated by the Governor by virtue of the Job Training Act (J.T.P.A.).
(e) The Tourist Company’s Hotel School, as created in § 671e(5) of Title 23.
(f) Any other government programs that provide and promote technological-occupational education, including the non-university post secondary level; without it being understood as a limitation to those programs funded by federal laws: Family Support Act of October 13, 1988 (J.O.B.S.), Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 as amended, and of Title IV of the Job Training Act (J.T.P.A.), Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program and by the programs created by §§ 701 et seq. of Title 29 and 201 et seq. of Title 11.
(g) The Work and Training Enterprises Corporation, attached to the Department of Justice, created by § 1521 et seq. of Title 4.
History —Dec. 18, 1991, No. 97, § 3; July 31, 1992, No. 43, § 1.