In addition to the duties and prerogatives conferred by this chapter regarding the resources of land archaeological interest, the Council shall have the following powers:
(a) To hold a regular session each month and any special sessions that the Council deems necessary. Complete minutes of all the proceedings shall be written up and shall be available to the public for inspection and examination.
(b) To consider and decide on matters referred to it by government agencies, private institutions or individuals.
(c) To submit to the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Legislature through the Executive Director of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and no later than January 30 of each year, a detailed report of all its activities, resolutions and operations during the year to which said report corresponds.
(d) To safeguard and protect the Land Archaeological Patrimony of Puerto Rico pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and exercise all actions needed to achieve the effective compliance of the purposes of this chapter.
(e) To keep an inventory and maintain an updated permanent record of all land archaeological materials, structures and sites that have been found on the effective date of this act and that are discovered thereafter, including those found in collections and museums within and without Puerto Rico.
The registration and inventory of pieces in collections referred to in this subsection shall be completed within two (2) years following the effective date of this act. The Council shall carry out every necessary measure to ensure that the register and inventory of pieces in archaeological collections, materials, structures and sites shall be kept available to those scientists, historians, researchers and persons interested in the knowledge and disclosure of these matters.
(f) To promote scientific archaeological, historical and cultural research by means of archaeological examinations and excavations and the subsequent disclosure of the studies carried out and the knowledge obtained thereby.
(g) To encourage the diffusion and teaching of topics concerning archaeological research at all levels of the population through the communications media, exhibitions, and by the public education system and private educational institutions.
(h) To achieve the necessary coordination among the various government agencies and private entities that share responsibilities and purposes that are similar to those of this chapter and seek their cooperation in order to facilitate the performance of the assigned duties and the objectives of this chapter.
(i) To approve, after conducting public hearings, the resolutions and norms that shall be used to designate the archaeological land sites materials, structures and which will govern the land archaeological studies, excavations and investigations to be carried out in the future, and supervise compliance with the resolutions and norms thus adopted.
(j) To sue and be sued.
(k) To exercise all incidental and necessary powers to properly carry out the responsibilities and duties assigned by law.
History —July 20, 1988, No. 112, p. 459, § 4.