The Council shall have the following duties and powers in addition to the duties and faculties delegated [to] it pursuant to this chapter or by other special laws:
(a) To establish the adequate parameters to declare those public or private underwater archaeological sites and resources having a scientific, educational and cultural value to be of public interest.
(b) To determine and declare the underwater archeological sites and resources of the country as places of public interest for all the purposes of this chapter.
(c) To promote the search, to locate, protect, guard and recommend the acquisition of underwater archaeological sites and resources of a scientific, educational and cultural value.
(d) To foster the study, investigation, disclosure, protection and conservation of information of historic, scientific, educational and cultural value of underwater archaeological sites and resources.
(e) To establish, update and conserve a Register of Underwater Archaeological Sites and Resources declared to be of public interest by this chapter, which shall be public.
(f) To investigate the commission of acts that are in conflict with this chapter, or that cause damage or ruin to underwater archaeological sites or objects in order to take or recommend the corresponding measures.
(g) To issue, upon previous notice and hearing, orders to do or not to do, and cease and desist. It may also, per se or by delegating [to] an official authorized by the Council, receive testimonies, take oaths, issue summons requiring the appearance of witnesses or require the submission of documentary evidence or of any other kind when it deems it necessary for the purposes of this chapter or any other applicable law and its regulations. The Council may appear before the Court of First Instance to request said court to order the compliance of any order or summons issued by the Council.
(h) To receive and evaluate the petitions for authorization or renewal of permits to conduct studies, explore, excavate, recover or salvage in underwater archaeological sites in the manner provided by this chapter, and to take the action that is deemed pertinent to grant, renew, deny, suspend or cancel such permits.
(i) To supervise any investigation, study, exploration, excavation, recovery or salvage in underwater archaeological sites declared of public interest pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations to ensure that all the information and objects of historic, scientific, educational, cultural and archaeological values are disclosed and conserved adequately. To ensure the above stated, the Council shall establish the standards required for each one of the phases of the operation. It shall be the responsibility of the petitioner to obtain any permits required by the pertinent agencies.
(j) To negotiate and approve on behalf of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico the contracts with the petitioners of permits to conduct studies, explore, excavate, recover or salvage in underwater archaeological sites and resources pursuant to the provisions in the laws and regulations in effect.
(k) To hold hearings regarding any matter before its consideration when the public interest thus justifies it or when required by this chapter.
(l) To contract the services of the proper personnel to carry out its duties and [set] the remuneration that it deems pertinent or corresponding.
(m) To establish with the University of Puerto Rico whatever agreements are necessary to establish a program of systematic studies in the underwater archaeology of the coastal waters of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(n) To establish the coordination that is needed between the various government agencies and private entities that share responsibilities and purposes related to the objectives of this chapter.
(o) To adopt bylaws for its operation.
(p) To carry out the acts and perform the duties that are essential or incidental to the exercise of its powers.
History —Aug. 7, 1987, No. 10, p. 630, § 8.