Every institution must reimburse or return the money paid for tuition and other expenses paid by the student, or grant same credit for dropped courses, when the student proves to the institution that he/she has been effectively activated by the United States Armed Forces Reserves in Puerto Rico or in the Puerto Rico National Guard. Likewise, the student must provide original evidence of his/her activation orders to the registrar’s office of the institution, at least 15 (fifteen) days before the date of his activation. Otherwise, he/she shall do so within a reasonable time.
The reimbursement or return shall be prorated according to the time in the semester when the student has been activated. It shall be the duty of every student to notify the institution, at the beginning of each academic semester, whether he/she is or is not a member of the United States Armed Forces Reserves in Puerto Rico or of the Puerto Rico National Guard.
The reimbursements, returns or credits for the courses mentioned in the previous paragraphs shall be at the request and discretion of the student according to his/her convenience. The abovementioned does not affect the institution’s right to establish a term for any of the options described above, during which the student notifies the institution of the option that he/she shall choose. If the student does not comply with the term established by the institution, he/she must accept the option chosen by the institution from those described above.
History —Apr. 11, 2003, No. 109, § 6, eff. 30 days after Apr. 11, 2003.