The terms enumerated and defined below (and their derivatives) shall have the indicated meaning, except when a clearly different meaning arises from the context. The words, terms, phrases and other expressions used in this chapter, not expressly defined in this section, shall have the usual meaning given to them in the academic community except when, from the context, another meaning clearly arises:
(1) Council. — Means the Council on Higher Education as established by §§ 852 et seq. of this title.
(2) Higher education institution. — Means a public or private educational institution that requires a high school certificate or diploma or its equivalent for admission thereto, and whose academic courses lead at least to an associate degree.
(3) United States Armed Forces Reserves in Puerto Rico. — Means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Navy Infantry Corps and Coast Guard Reserves stationed in Puerto Rico.
(4) Puerto Rico National Guard. — Means that subdivision of the Military Forces of Puerto Rico organized according to §§ 2001 et seq. of Title 25, and in agreement with the corresponding federal assignments prescribed by the President of the United States from time to time in accordance with laws of the federal Congress.
(5) Students. — Means every student of a higher education institution who is a member of any unit of the military bodies described in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
(6) Activation. — Means the calling and later deployment by the relevant military authorities of soldiers, members of the United States Armed Forces Reserves or the Puerto Rico National Guard to serve full-time in case of exercises, armed conflicts or war.
History —Apr. 11, 2003, No. 109, § 4, eff. 30 days after Apr. 11, 2003.