The Government of Puerto Rico reaffirms its commitment to promote the constitutional right of all persons to a free education which will the “full development of his/her personality and strengthen his/her respect for the rights of man and the fundamental liberties”. To attain this purpose, the family shall partake in this joint effort since the integral development of the person with disabilities should be framed within the family context.
Part of this public policy regarding those persons with disabilities, shall be to ensure, to the extent allowed by the resources of the State, the following:
(1) [A] free and proper public education, provided within the least restrictive environment possible, specially designed according to the individual needs of the persons with disabilities and with all the related services indispensable for their development, as established in their individualized services plan, integrating them to the extent possible to other persons without disabilities. This applies to the public schools of the Department of Education as well as to the Community Schools under the administration of the Educational Reform Institute.
(2) A process of identification, placement, registration and evaluation by a duly qualified multidisciplinary team, of all persons with possible disabilities, within or outside of the schools, from birth through the age of 21 years.
(3) The design of an Individualized Educational Program (PEI, Spanish acronym) which establishes the short or long term goals, the educational services and the indispensable related services as determined by the multidisciplinary team.
(4) The confidentiality of all personal information.
(5) Simple, speedy and fair handling of complaints.
(6) The participation of the parents in the decision making stage in all processes related to their children.
(7) A high priority in the efforts of a preventive nature to reduce the incidence of disabilities in persons.
(8) Activities that promote the integration of persons with disabilities and their families to the community.
History —June 7, 1996, No. 51, § 3.