The Linguistic Planning Institute of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, hereinafter the “Institute” is hereby created as an autonomous corporate entity which shall be the body in charge of developing a linguistic policy that responds to the social, political, economic and cultural needs of the Commonwealth. The Institute shall be in charge of the creation of applied linguistics projects that will contribute to establish educational guidelines and new methodologies, and shall keep an ongoing record of data regarding the teaching of languages, and especially of Spanish and English.
It shall likewise be the mission and responsibility of the Institute to protect and support the use of the Spanish language, facilitate and accelerate the learning of the English language, and propitiate the learning of other languages, mainly French and Portuguese, since they are languages that are also spoken in the geographic area of Puerto Rico. With regard to the teaching of the Spanish, since it is the language spoken by the majority of the population, and that because of its extended use, has contributed to strengthen the unity of the country, the Institute shall have the obligation to structure those measures that are needed for Spanish to be the vehicle for all internal government procedures and for official communication between the Government and the people.