It is hereby directed that the programs, equipment, personnel and obligations which are at present in the government agencies, as listed below, be transferred, subject to the applicable laws or corporate statutes which created these programs:
(a) The Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra created by Joint Resolution No. 92 of June 20, 1957, attached to the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company.
The transfer of property, budget, programs, personnel and obligations shall be executed pursuant to applicable regulations, and the vested rights of public employees under the personnel laws shall not be impaired, nor shall the rights, privileges, obligations and status with regard to any existing pension or retirement system or systems, or savings and loan fund, to which they are affiliated upon the approval of this act.
The agencies, public corporations or subsidiaries of government agencies are hereby directed and instructed to execute the transfers of personnel, equipment, funds, assets and obligations indicated herein to the Corporation, following the applicable procedures, laws and regulations.
History —May 12, 1980, No. 44, p. 119, § 7.