The General Education Council shall consider, as part of its powers and duties for the establishment and execution of the norms for licensing public and private schools, the implementtation of the technology necessary on computers used by children and youths under the age of eighteen (18) to restrict and identify the access and use of pornographic material available through the Internet and which is harmful and detrimental to the physical and emotional safety and to the integrated development of children and youths.
The General Education Council may suspend provisionally or permanently, as well as deny or revoke, the license that authorizes the operation of an educational institution when it considers that the provisions of this chapter or the regulations promulgated thereunder or any other regulations that are applicable pursuant to the requirements and guidelines to limit or restrict the access of children to the Internet pursuant to the criteria adopted through this legislation, and when it has been found that the violation constitutes a prejudice to the children and youths of the education system of Puerto Rico.
History —Aug. 31, 2000, No. 267, § 5.