(a) Creation; funds. — The House of Representatives of Puerto Rico shall select annually, not later than June 1 of each year, one (1) or more students who have been accepted to pursue graduate studies in disciplines related to the protection and conservation of the environment to be awarded with funds of the Dr. Cruz A. Matos Scholarship. The scholarship to be granted may be used for studies to be pursued in Puerto Rico as well as in any other jurisdiction of the United States of America. The funds of this scholarship shall be used to defray tuition, books and room and board expenses as well as for any other matter closely related to the graduate studies in question. Once selected by the House of Representatives, each grant holder shall be entitled to receive funds during the entire course of his/her studies, provided, he/she totally complies with a full academic load, maintains a two point five (2.50) grade point average or higher and submits a written report on his/her study progress, not later than December 31 of each year.
(b) Selection and supervision of grant holders. — The pertinent committee of the House of Representatives shall draft the regulations to tend to everything relative to the application, the selection of grant holders, and the awarding of funds related to the scholarship. Likewise, it shall be in charge of the grant holders while they pursue the studies object of the scholarship and offer the public service which they shall be required to render subsequently.
(c) Requirements for the grant holders. — The applicants for the scholarship fund shall have at least a Bachelor’s degree and graduated with a three point (3.00) grade point average or higher. Likewise, they must have permanent residence in Puerto Rico, be up-to-date with their obligations with the Department of the Treasury, the Municipal Revenue Collections Center, and the Child Support Administration, and have good conduct and moral solvency.
(d) Public service commitment agreement. — Every grant holder shall execute, not later than thirty (30) days after having been notified of his/her selection as such, a contract with the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico committing him/herself, upon completing their studies and during a number of years equal to the number of years he/she received said benefits, to render services in his/her profession and specialization, whether in the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico or the Senate of Puerto Rico or in another public agency, instrumentality or corporation of the Government of Puerto Rico. This contract shall be an essential requirement for the granting of funds.
If upon concluding his/her studies, the grant holder does not comply, without enough reasons to justify it, with the obligation assumed, he/she shall reimburse to the House of Representatives of Puerto Rico, within a term to be fixed by regulations, which shall not exceed the period during which he/she was receiving benefits, the total sum of funds paid to him/her on account of the scholarship, plus the corresponding interest. The House of Representatives shall make the collection of said sum effective after said term has expired by seizing or distraining the property of the grant holder, according to the applicable laws. In addition, said grant holder shall not practice his/her profession in Puerto Rico for profit during a number of years equal to the number of years he/she was receiving the scholarship and failed to comply with his/her public service agreement.
(e) Funds available. — In order to comply with the purposes of this section, the House of Representatives shall consign in its operating expenses budget the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. For subsequent years, said sum shall be consigned annually in the Joint Resolution of the General Budget of Expenses, under the custody of the House of Representatives.
History —Nov. 2, 2007, No. 157, §§ 2—6.