The Fund created through §§ 910 l —910q of this title shall be nourished by the following financial appropriations:
(a) Appropriations made yearly by the Legislature through Joint Resolutions or donations specifically intended for the Fund, for the developing and fostering cooperative education in Puerto Rico.
(b) Donations from enterprises, companies, groups, nonprofit institutions, societies, partnerships, private corporate entities, and private citizens as well as from federal, Commonwealth and municipal government entities.
(c) The interest generated from investments chargeable to the monies of the Fund.
(d) The transfers of funds conducted by the Council on Higher Education of the moneys originating from Act No. 435 of September 22, 2004, as amended, known as the “Postsecondary Student Permanent Financial Assistance and Scholarship Fund Act”, as it may deem pertinent and without being subject to the original purposes of the Permanent Fund.
(e) $15,000.
History —Sept. 16, 2004, No. 340, § 7; Aug. 13, 2008, No. 271, § 4.