(a) The Dr. Ricardo E. Alegría Gallardo Archaeology Scholarship, is hereby instituted to be granted for studies abroad leading to a Master’s Degree or Doctorate in Archaeology or Anthropological Sciences, specialized in Archaeology or in Subaqueous Archaeology.
This scholarship shall be in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000) a year and shall be granted for a maximum of two consecutive years of study. The beneficiary may use said amount to defray any expenses related to the abovementioned studies.
(b) The Board of Directors of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture shall select the person who shall receive the Dr. Ricardo Alegría Gallardo Archaeology Scholarship each year from among the recommendations submitted by the Scholarship Committee established in this section. The Board shall announce the person selected to receive this scholarship, by any means it deems convenient, not later than the 30th of May of each year.
(c) A Scholarship Committee is hereby created to advise and collaborate with the Board of Directors of the Institute of Culture regarding the establishment of this section.
The Scholarship Committee shall consist of four archaeologists, representing each one of the following entities: the Land Archaeology Council of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, the Sub-aquatic Archaeology Council of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, the Sociology and Anthropology Department of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, and the Puerto Rico Commonwealth Historic Preservation Office.
The members of the Scholarship Committee shall not receive any compensation or emolument for the performance of their duties. The hours of work they devote to the Advisory Committee matters shall be deemed as hours worked and the public agency from which they originate shall not discount said hours from their regular work schedule, nor from their salary, as if they were absent, nor charge them to any leave to which the employee is entitled. The Director of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, or an official designated by him/her, shall certify the hours worked by each member of the Scholarship Committee on tasks pertaining to it, to the agency of origin of each.
(d) The Scholarships Committee shall have the following duties:
(1) To draft regulations that establish the requirements and conditions to file applications for the Dr. Ricardo E. Alegría Gallardo Archaeology Scholarship. Said regulations shall include the procedure for evaluating and considering the applications.
(2) To receive the applications submitted to request the Dr. Ricardo E. Alegría Gallardo Archaeology Scholarship. Said applications shall be evaluated and the recommendations shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.
(3) To advise, the Executive Director and the Board of Directors of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture on any matters pertaining to this section, as requested.
The Director of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture shall provide the Scholarship Committee, the facilities, materials and equipment it needs in order to fulfill its duties, as provided in this section.
(e) The sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000), from unencumbered Commonwealth Funds is hereby appropriated to the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture to defray the expenses of the Dr. Ricardo E. Alegría Gallardo Archaeology Scholarship in Fiscal Year Fiscal 2004-2005. In subsequent years, the funds needed for this purpose shall be appropriated in the General Expenses Budget of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.
History —Mar. 3, 2004, No. 75, §§ 1—5.