(a) The new middle-high school to be located in the facilities of the former Our Lady of Pillar Catholic School, situated in Lomas Verdes Avenue, PR-177, in lands contiguous to the Metropolitan Campus of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, in San Juan, is hereby denominated with the name of the illustrious educator and magisterial leader, Don José Eligio Vélez, in recognition of his distinguished and fruitful career as a public servant.
(b) On the day that the above-mentioned new middle-high school is denominated with the name of the illustrious educator and magisterial leader Don José Eligio Vélez, a special activity shall be held, to be coordinated by the Department of Education and the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, with the purpose of providing the adequate diffusion for people to know about this designation.
(c) The Public Structure and Highway Naming Commission of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall take the measures needed to comply with the provisions of this section, without being subject to the provisions of §§ 178 et seq. of Title 23.
History —June 23, 2004, No. 157, §§ 1—3.