The Government of Puerto Rico, through the Specifications Regulatory Board of the General Services Administration and with the advice and consent of a Committee composed of one (1) representative of the Authority, one (1) representative of the Department, and two (2) representatives of the public interest designated by the Governor of Puerto Rico, shall compile a list including the guidelines, parameters, and specifications for use, cleaning, and maintenance products for schools, which products are designed to preserve human health and the environment, to be revised every two (2) years.
Such list shall include guidelines, parameters, and specifications that:
(a) Meet the purposes of §§ 126b–126j of this title;
(b) In no way favor a brand or product over another;
(c) Establish when products other than those included in the guidelines, parameters, and specifications may be acquired and the procedure therefor.
The Administration shall be responsible for publishing the list in a newspaper of general circulation in Puerto Rico within ninety (90) days after the constitution of the panel, and the acquisition of use, cleaning, and maintenance products designed to preserve human health and the environment shall begin in the school semester following its publication.
The Administration and the Department shall keep the list readily accessible on their websites.
History —June 7, 2011, No. 89, § 6.