Notwithstanding what is provided by § 551 of Title 3, the payment of a monthly bonus to cooperating teachers and cooperating directors of the practice centers who render services at said centers in public schools, is hereby authorized. This bonus shall be granted for additional work performed by them in the direction and supervision of teaching practice, as well as for the greater responsibility that such a task entails. Likewise, the payment of a monthly bonus to University of Puerto Rico students who carry out the teaching practice at said centers is hereby authorized for the acquisition of materials and other expenses related to the teaching tasks.
It is provided that the monthly bonus for cooperating teachers and cooperating directors of practice centers in public schools who render services in the training of other teaching professionals from private universities, and any other bonus or stipend to be paid, shall be the sole responsibility of said private institutions.
When the private universities use the practice centers at private schools, they shall be completely responsible for all expenses related to their organization and operation.
History —Aug. 23, 1989, No. 79, p. 344, § 4.