The Board shall have appellate jurisdiction in the following cases:
(a) In personnel actions described in §§ 274, 274-1, 274-2 and 274j of this title.
(b) In cases where citizens claim that an action or decision affecting them violates their right to enter the Personnel System of the Department of Education in compliance with the merit principle.
(c) In cases where teachers or employees claim that an action or decision of the Secretary of Education violates their rights in areas essential to the merit principle, pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations of the Department of Education.
(d) In every action or decision related to the granting, denial and/or modification of a teacher’s certificate pursuant to the provisions of §§ 260 et seq. of this title, and its regulations.
(e) In cases of teachers or employees arising from an action or decision by the Department on or after August 28, 1990 [sic], whenever the provisions of §§ 1332 and 1333 of Title 3, are applicable.
History —June 30, 1965, No. 115, p. 339, added as § 7 on Aug. 28, 1991, No. 78, § 10.