The School Lunchroom Division shall have the following duties:
(1) To administer and keep an accounting record, in accordance with the laws in force, of all the sums appropriated for school lunchrooms by the Commonwealth Government, and such funds as may be placed at its disposal by the federal government, and by associations, societies or individuals.
(2) To purchase, store and distribute all the foodstuffs, equipment and materials obtained for the use thereof.
(3) To select and appoint all the personnel for the lunchrooms.
(4) To accept donations of property, funds, foodstuffs, equipment or materials.
(5) To prescribe rules and regulations for the administration and direction of school lunchrooms.
(6) To organize training programs for the personnel.
(7) To prepare statistics and any other data and reports necessary.
(8) To carry out any other tasks in connection with school lunchrooms that may be assigned to it by the Secretary of Education.
(9) To credit to the appropriation for the operation of school lunchrooms all moneys derived from collections for meals served to employees, students and teachers; from the sale of property belonging to the School Lunchroom Division, and from any other source in connection with the activities of said Division.
History —Apr. 15, 1946, No. 328, p. 882, § 2; May 8, 1948, No. 138, p. 322, § 1.