Section 75-3681 - Hiram Price Dillon house; acquisition, exchange of real property therefor; conditions; easements; state finance council approval(a) The secretary of administration, for and on behalf of the state of Kansas, is hereby authorized to exchange and convey the real property described in subsection (b) and improvements thereon to the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas, in consideration for which the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas, is hereby authorized to exchange and convey the real property described in subsection (c) and improvements thereon to the state of Kansas. The parties to such exchange and conveyance of real property and improvements thereon may negotiate and grant or convey easements in any real property exchanged and conveyed under this section. The exchange and conveyance of real property and improvements thereto by the secretary of administration under this section shall be executed in the name of the state of Kansas and shall be delivered upon receipt of a good and sufficient warranty deed from the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas, to the real property described in subsection (c). Before an agreement to exchange and convey such property is entered into under this section, arrangements shall be made to replace with other acceptable parking space the parking area lost by the state through the exchange of such property. The exchange and conveyance of real property and improvements thereon authorized under this section shall be made only upon approval of the state finance council, after review by the joint committee on state building construction, acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto. Upon approval of the state finance council and before such real property and improvements thereon is exchanged and conveyed, the attorney general shall approve the instruments of conveyance of the secretary of administration to the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas, and the instruments of conveyance of the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas, to the secretary of administration and shall approve the title to the real property and improvements thereon exchanged and conveyed by the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas.(b) In accordance with the provisions of this section, the secretary of administration is hereby authorized to exchange and convey the following described real property to the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas: A tract of land in lots 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23 on Eighth avenue east, original townsite of the city of Topeka, Shawnee county, Kansas, containing 22,750 square feet more or less.(c) In accordance with the provisions of this section, the secretary of administration is hereby authorized to accept title on behalf of the state of Kansas to the following described real property conveyed to the state of Kansas by the first Presbyterian church, Topeka, Kansas: A tract of land in lots 277, 279, 281, 283, 285 and 287 on Harrison street, original townsite of the city of Topeka, Shawnee county, Kansas, containing 22,500 square feet more or less, upon which is located a house known as the Hiram Price Dillon house.(d) The exchange and conveyance of real property and improvements thereon authorized by this section shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3043a and amendments thereto.L. 1989, ch. 258, § 1; May 18.