Kan. Stat. § 75-2542
The state librarian shall adopt such rules for the government of the library and extension services and for the use of the books and other property thereof as he or she may deem necessary. Under such regulations, the state librarian may loan such books and materials as may be designated for that purpose to any library in the state, or to any community not having an established library, or to any organization or individual conforming to the conditions of said regulations; and such books and other material so loaned shall be changed at suitable intervals subject to such reasonable regulations as may be adopted by said librarian, and in such manner as to secure to the greatest practicable degree the use and enjoyment of such books and other materials to the people of the entire state.
The state librarian may establish area or branch offices and service centers of the state library for the purpose of facilitating local library service. The state librarian shall provide leadership and assistance in the organization and development of local library agencies through field visits, conferences, and institutes, and shall give advice and counsel to libraries, municipalities, organizations or individuals in details of library processes and of management, and may send a staff member to aid in organization or in improvement of library methods. The state librarian may help organize, set up standards for, and advise in the management of county and regional libraries, and may enter into contracts with municipalities and with library boards to effectively execute demonstration libraries or affiliated library systems, and may assume administrative responsibility and control of any contractual projects during any period when state or federal funds are being used to support such projects.
K.S.A. 75-2542