Section 25-3005a - Authorized poll agent; definition; qualifications; appointment; identification; application of section(a) As used in this act "authorized poll agent" means any one of the following persons: (1) Chairperson of county party committee;(2) chairpersons of committees concerned with question submitted elections;(3) chairperson of state party committee;(5) any precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman;(6) any write-in candidate who has filed an affidavit of write-in pursuant to K.S.A. 25-305, and amendments thereto;(7) any person appointed as provided in this section by any of the persons specified in this subsection.(b) Every person appointed to be an authorized poll agent under authority of this act shall be so appointed in writing by the person making such appointment. Such written appointment shall be filed with the county election office by hand delivery, express delivery service, facsimile transmission or any electronic method authorized by the secretary of state and a copy of such appointment shall be carried by the authorized poll agent at all times such person is acting as such agent and shall be displayed upon demand of any member of any election board or any other election officer. Each authorized poll agent shall wear a badge clearly identifying the wearer as an authorized poll agent. The badge shall contain the word "observer" in 32-point or larger type. The badge shall be issued by the county election officer. Every appointment of an authorized poll agent shall be made in such form as is approved by the secretary of state. The number of authorized poll agents in each voting place at any one time appointed by any of the following shall be limited to the number indicated:(1) State and county chairpersons, one;(2) candidates, not to exceed one each;(3) precinct committeemen and committeewomen, one each;(4) the chairperson of each committee or organization concerned with any election on a question submitted, one each;(5) write-in candidates who have filed an affidavit or write-in pursuant to K.S.A. 25-305, and amendments thereto, one each.(c) When any candidate or any precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman is acting as an authorized poll agent, such person shall carry identification which shall be supplied by the county election officer. Such identification shall indicate the authority by which such person is an authorized poll agent, and the same shall be in such form as is approved by the secretary of state. Whenever an authorized poll agent is required to carry identification under the provisions of this subsection such agent shall display the same upon demand of any member of any election board or any other election officer.(d) Each person appointed to be an authorized poll agent shall:(1) Be a registered Kansas voter;(2) a member of any candidate's immediate family; or(3) be a person under 18 years of age but at least 14 years of age who meets all other requirements for qualification of an elector except that of age.(e) The provisions of this section shall apply to all elections.(f) Violations of this section shall be a class C nonperson misdemeanor.L. 1969, ch. 185, § 1; L. 1993, ch. 287, § 12; L. 2007, ch. 196, § 2; May 24.