- Section 19-801a - Sheriff; election, term, bond
- Section 19-801b - Qualifications for office; law enforcement certification required; waiver; status and salary while in attendance
- Section 19-801c - Eligibility of sheriffs holding office on July 1, 1972, for nomination and election
- Section 19-802 - Condition of such bond
- Section 19-803 - Appointment of undersheriff
- Section 19-804 - Vacancy in office of sheriff, how filled; person appointed shall be qualified elector when sworn in; duties and liabilities of undersheriff
- Section 19-804a - Exercise of functions of sheriff by county clerk, when
- Section 19-805 - Deputies and undersheriffs; duties; meetings and seminars; budget; limitation of personnel action
- Section 19-805a - Special deputies; appointment, revocation; bonds
- Section 19-805b - Authority of special deputies
- Section 19-805c - Act extends appointing power
- Section 19-807d - Sheriff's deputies for police protection in certain townships; agreements; contributions by townships; tax levies
- Section 19-810 - Appointment of undersheriff or deputy to be in writing; revocation
- Section 19-811 - Charge and custody of jail; liability for acts
- Section 19-812 - Process, writs, precepts and orders; court attendance; fees
- Section 19-812a - Montgomery county; duties of sheriff
- Section 19-812b - Neosho county; duties of sheriff
- Section 19-813 - Preservation of peace
- Section 19-814 - What sheriff shall deliver to successor
- Section 19-815 - Writs in hand on expiration of term or removal
- Section 19-816 - Default or misconduct of deputy after death, resignation or removal of sheriff
- Section 19-817 - Action for default or misconduct of sheriff or deputy
- Section 19-818 - Service of paper on sheriff
- Section 19-820 - Default as to writ or process; penalties
- Section 19-821 - Demanding or receiving illegal fees; penalties
- Section 19-822 - Uniforms and display of badges by sheriff and deputies; requirements; exceptions
- Section 19-823 - Allowance for uniform expense in counties with a population of less than 200,000
- Section 19-824 - Uniforms
- Section 19-825 - [Repealed] Office of sheriff vacated when prisoner taken and lynched; reinstatement
- Section 19-826 - Fingerprinting of sheriff and candidates for office of sheriff; exception; fingerprints forwarded to K.B.I. for background investigation; cost
- Section 19-827 - Payment for services provided by certain special deputies
- Section 19-828 - Multijurisdictional law enforcement group