Kan. Stat. § 14-686
The governing body of any such city is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of said city in an amount not exceeding two hundred fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of acquiring a site within or without the corporate limits of said city, building, equipping, improving or remodeling a hospital: Provided, That before any such bonds shall be issued the question of issuing the same shall be submitted to a vote of the people at a regular city primary or city election or at a special election called for the purpose of submitting said question, and no bonds shall be issued until the majority of the qualified electors who shall vote on the question at such election shall declare by their votes in favor of the issuing of said bonds.
All bonds authorized by this act shall be issued, sold, delivered, and retired under the provisions of article 1, chapter 10, of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and none of the restrictions or limitations respecting the amount of city indebtedness contained in any of the statutes of the state of Kansas shall apply to or in any way affect the issuance of bonds authorized by this act.
K.S.A. 14-686