Kan. Stat. § 12-624
All costs and expenses occasioned by the acquisition of a right-of-way either by purchase or condemnation and by the construction of sewers and drains and disposal works beyond the corporate limits of said city shall be borne by the city as a whole and shall be paid out of the general revenue fund or by the issue of improvement bonds of the city as the governing body may determine, in the manner provided by law. Bonds to pay the costs of right-of-way and the construction of sewers and drains beyond the corporate limits of the city may be issued in addition to the one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) authorized by K.S.A. 12-621 for the construction of disposal works and that such additional bonds may be issued in addition to the limit of bonded indebtedness of such cities as defined by statutes.
K.S.A. 12-624